This Smart Watch Looks Like an iPod Nano but it is Based on Android.

LAS VEGAS – Pebble got a ton of attention for its smart watch at CES this year. It wasn’t the only smart watch company, however, to have a major announcement.
Originally announced at last year’s CES, Italian-based I’m watch announced the next iteration its smart watch. Reminiscent of the iPod nano watches you may have seen walking around, the I’m watch consists of a bulky square watch face with an even bulkier strap attached.
Identical in design to last year’s model, the watch is now running “Android 2” the company’s own custom version of the operating system specifically for the watch.
Connected to your phone via Bluetooth, the watch can be used to answer calls, receive text messages, and even interact with Facebook and Twitter. I’m watch’s version of Android is similar to that used on Amazon’s Kindle, in that you don’t have access to the full Android Market.
Stocks, News, Weather, and even a custom Instagram app come pre-loaded on the device, and there’s a Marketplace on the watch where you can find and add additional apps.
We’re taking one of the I’m watches home with us after the show, and will have a more thorough look at the gadget in the coming days.
Would you rather have a smart watch such as I’m watch that looks like an iPod nano, or one that uses an e-ink display like Pebble? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.


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